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General Reference Books on Medieval
Arms & Armor or Medieval Warfare:

"The Age of Charlemagne: Warfare in Western Europe 750-1000 AD"
David Nicolle. 1984. - NOT REVIEWED

"The Age of Chivalry (Arms and Uniforms, Vol.1)"
Liliane Funcken, F. Funcken, 1980.A children’s book but with very good historical and military information.

"Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe"
Oxford and London, 1855. From the Iron Period of the Northern Nations to the End of the thirteenth Century with Illustrations from contemporary Monuments. Frontispiece and eighty-nine text illustrations some of them full- page. NOT REVIEWED.

"Ancient & Medieval Warfare"
Spalding & Nickerson, Barnes & Noble, (reprint 1993). Another Barnes & Noble reprint of a very old and poor reference originally entitled "Warfare".

"Anglo-Norman Warfare"
Matthew Strickland, edt. Boydell, 1992. An excellent recent work offering many insights and an intriguing hypotheses on period fighting.

"Anglo-Saxon Weapons and Warfare"
Richard Underwood. ISBN is 07524 1412 7. 1999. A well-done and useful work that combines historical archaeology with living-history reenactment research.

"Antique Arms and Armor"
Frederick Wilkinson, Drake Publishers, Inc., NY. 1st edition, 1972., Illustrated throughout with b/w photos of antique arms and armor. 191pp. Reprint of 1964 edition, sometimes titled "Arms and Armor Pleasures and Treasures".

"Antique Firearms and Edged Weapons"
Robert Abels, 1950's New York, NY. Fully illus. in B&W.

"Antique Firearms And Edged Weapons Catalogue #31"
Robert Abels, Inc. New York, 1965.

"Antique Firearms & Edged Weapons Catalogs"
Norm Flayderman. Greenwich, CT Norm Flayderman. Very good. Circa late 1950s - early 1970s. Illustrated by B&W illustrations. Antique Weapons A - Z. Douglas J Fryer., G. Bell. 1969. Written on a very practical level with the collector very much in mind. The book includes illustrations of 426 items, mostly sold at auction to individual buyers. Author collected arms for over 20 years and was the cataloguer at well known auction house.

"Antique Weapons - For pleasure and investment"
Richard Akehurst, London, John Gifford.1969 1st.Ed. 174pp. Col. & b/w illus. NOT REVIEWED.

"Armies and Warfare in The Middle Ages: The English Experience"
Michael Prestwich, Yale University Press: New Haven and London, 1996. Another of the recent works which includes much newer scholarship and findings on the subject. This one deals specifically with the English.

"Arms & Armor - From the 9th century to the 17th"
Paul Martin, Charles E. Tuttle, 1967. 298p. NOT REVIEWED

"Arms & Armor from the Atelier of Ernst Schmidt"
Ed. By E. Andersen Mowbray, Munich 1967, limited edition.

"Arms & Armor from the Permanent Collection - The Metropolitan Museum of Art"
Herbert Nickel, booklet, 1991. Profiles the museum’s large and well known collection.

"Arms & Armour – Allentown Art Museum 1964"
Limited Edition. Catalog covers a small exhibition from the sixties.

"Arms and Armour"
Howard L. Blackmore. Dutton Vista Picture Book, UK, 1965. A short general reference work with a variety of rare and uncommon artwork and photos of unique pieces.

"Arms and Armor"
Stephen N. Fliegel. Cleveland Museum of Arts. 1998. Profiles the museum’s extensive and somewhat rare collection. Focuses on art and craftsmanship over military utility. ISBN: 0810963760 or 0940717476 or 0940717468

"Arms and Armor"
Stephen V. Grancsay. The Odyssey Pres. New York, 1964. - NOT REVIEWED

"Arms and Armor (Pointers)"
Chris Gravett. Raintree/Steck Vaughn, September 1994. ISBN: 0811461904. A children’s book. NOT REVIEWED.

"Arms and Armor (Then and Now)"
Adrian Gilbert. Copper Beech Books, October 1997 ISBN: 0761306056. A children’s book. NOT REVIEWED.

"Arms and Armor"
Ferenc Temesvary, Corvina Kiado, Helikonkiado Kossuth Printing House, Hungary, 1983. 72 pages plus 72 plates. NOT REVIEWED.

"Arms and Armour - A Grosset All-Color Guide"
Frederick Wilkinson, G&D (1971), 8vo. 159pp. 500 illustraction in full color. Illust. by John H. Batchelor and Arthur Gay. NOT REVIEWED.

"Armor and Arms - An Elementary Handbook and Guide to the Collection in the City Art Museum.... "
Thomas T.Hoopes, St. Louis: [City Art Museum], 1954. Photographs. NOT REVIEWED. Arms & Armour in Britain Alan Borg. Royal Armouries, 1979, 1986. A short informative booklet. Intro by expert A. V. Norman.

"Arms and Armour in England"
James Mann, 1966. Small booklet.

"Arms and Armour in Medieval Prussia"
Andrzej Nowakowski. Oficyna Naukowa, Poland 1994. A detailed study of the arms and armour of Teutonic troops in Medieval Prussia. A discussion of the sources is followed by a weapon by weapon account of defensive arms (helmet armour and shield) and offensive arms (sword, side arm, staff weapons, butt weapons, shooting weapons, hand firearm and knightly belt).

"Arms & Armour in the Age Of Chivalry"
Aldo Cimarelli, London: Orbis, 1973. ISBN: 0 85613 158 -NOT REVIEWED

"Arms and Armour of the English Civil Wars"
David Blackmore, Royal Armories, 1990. Excellent work.

"Armor from the Battle of Wisby"
B. J. Thordemann, 1939. If you can find it, this is an excellent though slightly dated study of the original excavations and forensic studies that have come to be the most important of their kind for understanding medieval armor and weapon wounds.

"Arms & Uniforms - The Age of Chivalry Part 1"
1980, Ward Lock Limited. 116 Baker St London, ISBN 0-7063-5808-2. This rare work contains a fabulous array of beautiful and highly detailed and highly accurate color illustrations of all weapons, swords, and armors from the Medieval period. Absolutely fantastic. Has a tremendous wealth of rare information. Possibly originally French, "Le costume, l'armure et les armes au temps de la chevalerie". Liliane et Fred Funcken. Casterman 1977 Bruxelles. ISBN 2-203-14318-5. There is also a German edition.

"Armour and Blade"
S. Ellacott. 1962. 200pp, many plates and text illustrations throughout.

"The Armour of Galiot De Genouilhac"
Stephen V. Grancsay. New York; 1937 Metropolitian Museum of Art. - NOT REVIEWED

Sean Morrison, Thomas Y. Cromwell Co., NY 1963. An outdated though well illustrated children's book that surprisingly covers many aspects of armor in great detail and gets many of its facts straight. Unfortunately, it also makes many incorrect and even bizarre statements on weapons and fighting in general as well as medieval history and warfare.

Peter Klucina, 1992. Slovakia Publishing, Ltd. Bratislava. B&N Edition translation 1997. Typical limited art-historian approach to the subject focusing on artistry and craftsmanship. Simple and not very detailed, but useful for info on decorations and descriptions. Watercolor drawings no photos.

"Arms & Armor"
Michelo Byam. Dorling Kindersley Limited, 1988. A useful general reference work.

"Arms and Armor in the Art Institute of Chicago"
Walter J. Karcheski. A limited but interesting presentation that avoids some of the typical "art curators view".

"Arms and Armor of the Crusading Era 1050-1350"
Vol. I Western Europe and the Crusader States. David Nicolle. 19988/ 1999 reprint by Greenhill Books UK, London (Stackpole Books USA). An amazing work. Comprehensive and huge. Over 600 pages, with over 2000 drawings. Presents account of armies, arms, equipment, of the period based on archaeological and pictorial sources. A rare book now reprinted and very worthwhile. The author is a leading historian of the Middle East and Islamic military history. Vol. II covers Eastern Europe and Asia.

"Arms and Armor - Pleasures and Treasures"
Vesey Norman, NY: G.P. Putnam, 1964, 128pp. A good short general work on the subject.

"Arms and Armor"
Eyewitness Books, Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1988. This children's book contains a few very nice, close up and detailed pictures of weapons and armor. The text is very weak though.

"Arms and Armour. Masterpieces by European Craftsmen from the Thirteenth to the Nineteenth Century"
Bruno Thomas. Ortwin, Gambler and Schedelmann, Hans.; Thames and Hudson, 1964.

"The Art of Warfare in the Middle Ages"
Charles W. Oman. Cornell University Press, 1953. Oman's work is a classic but is outdated and not worth the effort except for hardcore researchers.First printed in 1885, the work is highly flawed.

"The Art of Warfare in Western Europe During the Middle Ages"
J. F. Verbruggens, Boydell edition 1998. North- Holland, 1977 (first published 1956). Newly revised and enlarged translation of this classic German text from 1954. A good general Belgian work, somewhat outdated but with many insights. Still considered to be the standard work by many medieval historians. One of the first to reconsider many of the familiar assumptions about fighting of the period.

"Artists and Warfare in the Renaissance"
J.R. Hale, Yale University Press, 1990. Excellent iconographic resource for all manner of renaissance swords and blades from historical artwork. It covers only Swiss and German sources, with a little disappointing coverage of northern Italy. Battle Axes James D. Gamble, Mowbray Co. Providence, Rhode Island, 1981. A complete survey of fighting and military associated axes. 93 pages. NOT REVIEWED

F. Wilkinson , 1970. NOT REVIEWED.

"The Battle of Maldon: Fact and Fiction"
Ed. J. Cooper, '93. A recent book worth examining that sheds new light on this Dark Age battle and famous poem.

"Book of Military Uniforms & Weapons An Illustrated Survey of Military Dress, Arms and Practice Through The Ages"
Karel Toman: London: Paul Hamlyn And Alan Wingate, 1964. Sketched type of illustration; 166 pages. NOT REVIEWED.

"The Book of the Sword"
Sir Richard Burton. London: 1884. This classic work of Burton's (an adventurer and swordsman himself) is a must read. Although it really offers little in the way of historically accurate information, it does present lovely sentiment on the romance and lore of swords in general.

"The Book of the Tournament"
Brian R. Price. Chronique Publications. 1991. Published for an SCA audience, this short and very attractive little treatise focuses on the serious interpretation/ reenactment of combat in the chivalric knightly list. In a pleasing and extremely concise and smoothly written manner it presents foot tournament material on a range of subjects from historical foundation and pageantry to arms and armor, honor, behavior, and rules. Throughout the tone is martial yet sporting and does not entirely concern itself with a SCA focus. This is a valuable contribution to an area often rife with fantasy and error.

"Brassey’s History of Uniforms - English Civil War"
Phillipo J. C. Elliot-Wright, Brassey’s 1997. Very nice and useful book.

"British Rapiers With Trapezoidal Butt Found In Belgium" - Warmenbol, Eugene. "Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society", vol. 52. The University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology: Cambridge, 1986. NOT REVIEWED

"Cambridge Illustrated Atlas of Medieval Warfare"
1996. This recent book is one of the best ever on the subject and one which captures a range of information in a colorful and exciting manner. Includes a useful overview of medieval warfare and an interesting discussion of the recent "military revolution" theories.

"Catalogue of Arms and Armour"
Peter Finer, 1995.

"The Celtic Sword"
Radomir Pleiner, Clarendon Press, Oxford, '93. An expensive book that is said to be the final word on a subject not widely written on. The Chivalric Vision of Alfonso de Cartagena: Study and Edition of the "Doctrinal de los caualleros"

Noel Fallows. Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta, 1995. Critical edition of one of the most comprehensive chivalric manuals of the Middle Ages. Composed c. 1444 by Alfonso de Cartagena, Bishop of Burgos. Book III is devoted to tournaments.

"The Circle of War in the Middle Ages"
Donald J. Kagay, and L.J. Andrew Villalon, eds. Warfare in History vol. 6. Rochester, NY: Boydell & Brewer Inc, 1999 . ISBN 172. 0-851-15645-2. A well-produced volume of disparate, but interesting essays on medieval military and naval history based on papers given at various gatherings in the US. No consistent theme except to question the assumptions of past historians and provide some fresh answers.

"Collecting Arms and Armour"
S.E. Ellacott. 1964.

"A Collector's Guide to Swords, Daggers, & Cutlasses"
Gerald Weland. Chartwell Books, 1991. An interesting work which sheds light on the subject from the view of curators and collectors. Contains some good background information and photos but also a world of erroneous assumptions about the correct function and use of various swords.

"Combat Sports in the Ancient World"
Michael B. Poliakoff, Yale University, 1987. Examination of wrestling, Pankration, stick fighting and boxing in the ancient world.

"The Complete Encyclopedia of Arms & Armor"
Leonid Tarrasuk. NY: Simon and Shuster, 1982. This is by far the best and most complete work of its kind. An excellent one volume reference.

"Crusading Warfare 1097- 1193"
R. C. Smail, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1956. A somewhat outdated but still very good military history worth checking out.

"Cut & Thrust"
Leon Bertrand, 1927. An outdated source on swords.

"The Cutting Edge - A Practical Guide to the Use of Highland Weapons: The Broadsword and the Targe"
Larry L. Andrews. Past & Present, Sept 1997. A small volume on Scottish fighting. This short booklet offers an amalgam system interpreted from several sources. Interesting and worthwhile but very limited with assorted minor misconceptions.

"The Development of the Medieval Sword, c. 850 - 1300"
Ian Peirce. - Harper-Bill, C and Harvey, Ruth, eds., Ideals and Practice of Medieval Knighthood: Papers from the Third Strawberry Hill Conference (1988), p. 139 - 158. An illustrated transcript from a lecture, the development of cutting swords within the stated period is illustrated with some of the best surviving examples in public and private collections and with contemporary manuscript illustrations.

"A Dictionary of British Arms, Medieval Ordinary"
Vol. I, by Hubert Chesshyre and Thomas Woodcock. Vol. II, by Thomas Woodcock, Janet Grant and Ian Graham. Extra Publictaion, Society of Antiquaries, London.

"Discovering Edged Weapons"
Wilkinson-Latham. J. Shire Publications: Tring, England, 1972. NOT REVIEWED A Distinguished Collection of Arms and Armor on Permanent Display at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Edited by Russell E. Belous. LA, 1968.

"Early Books of the Sword"
C. R. Cammel, 1936. NOT REVIEWED

"Edged Weapons"
Frederick Wilkinson. London, 1970. A good basic book on the subject by a long time historian and curator.

"The Encyclopedia of Weaponry – From Stone Age Spears to Stealth Bombers"
Ian V. Hogg. Wellfleet Press. 1992. London. General wide ranging overview that includes some short overly simplistic sections on swords and medieval & renaissance arms with good graphics.

"The English Warrior from earliest times to 1066"
Stephen Pollington, Anglo-Saxon Books, '97. A great new book that covers in detail a underrepresented era.

"English Weapons and Warfare"
A. V. B. Norman and Don Pottinger. London: Barnes & Noble, 1966. Another older work that has some merit.

"European Armor in the Tower of London"
Arthur Richard Duffy, 1968, London H.M.S.O. Well illustrated rare work on this fantastic collection.

"European Arms & Armor at Kelvingrove"
J. G. Scott, booklet, Glasgow Museum, 1980. NOT REVIEWED

"European Arms & Armour in the University of Oxford"
Charles Ffoulkes, 1912. A rare and limited book somewhat outdated.

"European Edged Weapons"
Terence Wise. England: Allmark Publications, 1974 First Edition. Small paperback, color illustrated with drawings an photographs, 95 pages.

"European Weapons and Armor"
Ashdown. This recent Barnes & Noble reprint of little value is outdated and actually quite old.

"The Face of Battle"
John Keegan. Keegan's famous book has a chapter on what it was like to fight at Agincourt that is worth the whole book itself.

"The Fighting Man"
Jack Coggins, Doubleday, NY 1966. Interesting reading.

"The Finds from the Site of La Tène: Volume I: Scabbards and the Swords Found in Them"
J. M. de Navarro, (London: The British Academy (by Oxford University Press), 1972). (in two volumes) Comprehensive survey of (Celtic era) swords and scabbards found at La Tène (Lake Neuchâtel in Switzerland), including a comprehensive illustrated catalogue and analysis of the now widely dispersed finds.

"Fine Arms and Armour Treasures in the Dresden Collection"
Joahnnes Schobel. M.O.A. Stanton, Translator & Jurgen Karpinski, Photographs. New York, NY: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1975.

"Fine Arms and Armor"
Johannes Schobel. Hard Cover. G. P. Putnam's Sons (1975). 255 illustratedpages.

"Fine Arms From Tula, Firearms And Edged Weapons In The Hermitage, Leningrad."
Valentin Mavrodin. Translated From the Russian By Rostislav Drapkin 1977. - NOT REVIEWED

"Fiore De’ Liberi Flos Duellatorium – in armis, sine armis equester et pedester"
Giovani Rapisardi. Gladitoria Press, 1998. A brand new modern Italian translation of Dei Liberi’s indispensable manuals on long-sword/great-sword, dagger, wrestling, and other weapons. Beautifully rendered in old style ink, but containing some errors in both translation and matching captions. To obtain a copy contact: Via Faccioloti, 75 – 35127, Padua, Italy.

"German Knighthood"
Benjamin Arnold. Oxford, 1999. Sociology of unfree knighthood. NOT REVIEWED

"German Swords and Sword Makers - Edged Weapons from the 14th to the 20th Centuries"
Richard H. Bezdek, Paladin Press, January 2000. Useful record of swordsmiths, maker’s marks, and military hilt forms of mostly the 18th & 19th century.

"Glossarium Armorum. Arma Defensiva"
Claude Blair, et al. Graz, 1970-72. 6 booklets each 35-43p. + Tabulae booklet, 100p. c.400 drwgs. English, French, German, Italian, Danish, Polish. Listing of Medieval and Renaissance Armor, Armour, Edged Weapons, Swords, Daggers, Knives, Bayonets.

"A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor (in All Countries and at All Times)"
George Cameron Stone This notorious work (originally written in the 1920's) has probably done more to retard the accurate presentation and study of arms & armor than any other single work. Repeatedly referenced and re-referenced over and over, this huge book is an outdated and inaccurate resource. Despite its length, coverage, and many rare photos of beautiful weapons, it is a greatly flawed and full of errors. Be wary.

"The Grip of the Medieval Sword and a Battle near Tagliacozzo"
R. Ewart Oakeshott, Park Lane Arms Fair Catalogue 11 (1994), p. 6 - 13. Nine medieval swords retaining period grips discussed in context with how the grips came to survive.

"The Halberd And OtherEuropean Polearms: 1300-1650"
George Snook. A short introduction to the polearms of Medieval Europe, 60+ b/w illust, charts, tables. 1 vol, 32 pgs. 1998, Canada,Museum Restoration.

"Handbook of Arms and Armor, European and Oriental, including the William H. Riggs Collection"
Bashford Dean. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, January 1915. This printing limited to 1000 copies. 161 pages with index. 65 plates in text, many photographic. Very outdated.

"The Handbook of British Archaeology"
Adkins, Lesley, and Roy A. Adkins. Macmillan Publishers Limited: London, 1983. NOT REVIEWED

"Hart Picture Archives – Weapons and Armor"
Harold R. Hart ed., Hart Publishing Inc., 1978. Worthwhile but limited collection.

"The Hever Castle Collection: Arms And Armour"
Dr. John F Hayward. London Sotheby's, 1983.

"An Historical Guide to Arms & Armor"
Stephen Bull . Facts on File, 1991. Of the many works available on general weapons and armors of the world, this is among the best as it contains more recent scholarship and a good selection of photos.

"A History of Arms"
William Reid. AB Nordbok, 1976. Sweden. An unusual work on weapons which spends a good portion on medieval and renaissance weaponry. Somewhat choppy and sparse in areas, but offering details and rare information in others. Worth reading.

"The History of Chivalry & Armor With Descriptions of The Feudal System, The Practices of Knighthood, The Tournament & Trials By Single Combat"
Kottenkamp, Dr. F. trans: Lowy, the Rev A.. Portland House NY 1988. ISBN 0-517-67107-7. Over 174 pgs, 60 color plates, 4 foldouts. Despite the promising title this work presents only a compilation of colorful period prints from jousting and heraldry. History of Tournament in England and in France Francis H. Cripps-Day. AMS Press, June 1982. ISBN: 0404171389.

"The How and Why Wonder Book of Arms and Armour"
Brenda Lewis. Illus by W.F. Phillipps. Transworld. London. 1977 4to, 48pp.

"How to Win at Tournaments – The Techniques of Chivalric Combat"
Sydney Anglo. Antiquities Journal, LXVIII, Part ii (1988), p.p. 248-64.

"Imperial Austria Treasures of Art, Arms And Armor From The State of Styria"
P. Krenn & W. J. Karcheski, Prestel Hard Back DW, 1992. NOT REVIEWED.

"Infantry Warfare in the Early 14th Century"
Kelly Devries. 1996. Reprint edition 1998. Univ. of Rochester Pr. ISBN: 0851155715. Covers 19 major battles from the early 1300’s to make the case that ordered and disciplined infantry not cavalry was dominant and decisive. Good reading that includes much on weapons, armors, and tactics.

"The James A. de Rothschild collection at Waddesdon manor. Arms, Armour and Base-Metalwork"
Claude Blair. Fribourg. Office du Livre for the National Trust, 1974.

"Jousting-The Earliest Treatises"
Sydney Anglo. In "Livrustkammaren" Journal, Royal Armoury in Stockholm (1991-1992).

"Knights & Armor"
A. G. Smith. Dover Children's Books, 1985. Another children's book which contains a interesting photographs on late medieval armored fighting. The text is simplistic.

"The Knight, His Arms and Armour c. 1150 - 1250"
Ian Peirce. - Chibnall, Marjorie, ed., Anglo-Norman Studies: XV. Proceedings of the Battle Conference 1992 (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 1993), p. 251 - 274. This paper examines European armor and arms in the context of contemporary drawings and sculpture as well as including a few illustrations of swords and helmets.

"The Knight, His Arms and Armour in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries"
Ian Peirce. - Harper-Bill, C and Harvey, Ruth, eds., Ideals and Practice of Medieval Knighthood: Papers from the First and Second Strawberry Hill Conferences , p. 152 - 164. An illustrated transcript from a lecture, this paper examines European armor and arms in the context of contemporary sculpture and includes a few illustrations of swords.

"Knights in Armor"
Shirley Glubok, New York: Harper & Row, 1969. 48pp. NOT REVIEWED.

"Knights of the Middle Ages: Their Armour and Coats of Arms"
John Brooke Little. Hugh Evelyn, 1966.

"Knighthood, Wounds, and the Chivalric Ideal in Medieval Spain"
In “Chivalry, Knighthood, and War in the Middle Ages”. Noel Fallows. Ed. Susan J. Ridyard. Sewanee Mediæval Studies 9. Sewanee: The University of the South, 1999. 117-36. ISBN 0-918769-46-9

"A Late Anglo-Saxon Sword from Gilling West, N. Yorkshire"
Watkin, J.R., and B.J. Gilmour. "Medieval Archaeology", vol. XXX. Society for Medieval Archaeology: Reading, 1986. NOT REVIEWED

"A Lead Model and a Rediscovered Sword, both with Gripping Beast Decoration" - East, Katherine. "Medieval Archaeology", vol. XXX. Society for Medeival Archaeology: Reading, 1986. NOT REVIEWED

"Le Jeu de la Hache" - A Fifteenth-Century Treatise on the Technique of Chivalric Axe Combat Prof. Sydney Anglo. Archaeologia, vol. 109, 1991, pp. 113-128. Superb translated text of a rare 15th century Burgundian combat manual. Also featured here exclusively at the HACA site.

"Living History: Knights"
This children's book contains a number of very interesting and well doen recreational and living history photographs on late Medieval armored fighting. The text is less valuable (but a great book for youth).

"The Lore of Arms: A Concise History of Weaponry"
William, Reid. NY, Facts on File, 1984. NOT REVIEWED.

"The Lyle Arms & Armour Review 1980"
Tony Curtis & Margaret Anderson. Profusely illustrated throughout together with descriptions and prices fetched at auction. Lyle Galashiels, Scotland: Lyle Publications, 1977.

"The Man who Taught Leonardo Darts: Pietro Monte and his "lost" fencing book"
Sydney Anglo. Antiquities Journal. Volume 69, 1989. Superb article outlining this hardly known yet major Master of Defence.

"1000 Marks of European Blade Makers"
Zygmunt S. Lenkiewicz. Sussex, UK: Caldra House, Ltd., 1991.

"Me Fecit Solingen"
Skipper Greenwade. Albert Greenwade, 1987. ISBN: 0961887303. On swords made by famed Solingen smiths. NOT REVIEWED.

"Medieval and Renaissance Splendor: Arms and Armour from the Higgins Armory Museum & Works of Art Ringling Museum"
Duval, Cynthia & Walter J. Karcheski, Jr.: New, pub: Ringling Museum. 1984. NOT REVIEWED.

"Mediaeval Arms And Armour"
Jennifer Pearson, Magna Books 1990.

"Medieval Arms & Armor"
Francesco Rossi. Magna Books, 1990. This large size Italian book offers a few rare photos of unique pieces.

"Medieval Costume, Armour, and Weapons (1350-1450)"
Eduard Wagner, (1958) (Dover reprint 2000), Paul Hamlyn Ltd. This large book consists mostly of water color drawings on Czech history. Somewhat interesting.

"Medieval Craftsman -- Armourers"
Pfaffenbichler, Matthias. Pub. Bristish Museum Press, 1992. University Toronto Press. (ISBN: 0 8020 7732 3) This brief overview provides a useful introduction to the armorer's craft, including insight into the armor-making families and guilds. Interesting small booklet.

"The Medieval Knight at War"
Brooks Robards. Brompton Books edition 1997. A very limited and superficial look at this subject, its misleading title was very disappointing. The material on arms & armor and fighting is very weak in particular. The author does not appear to be either a historian, medievalist, military expert or scholar of note. Medieval Military Costume – Recreated in Colour Photographs Europa Military Special No. 8. Gerry Embleton. The Crowood Press, UK, 2000. Showing an array of recreated historical source illustrations and artwork, this book covers all the important key elements of late medieval garb and equipment –shoes, headwear, under garments, body wear, helms, and armor. The book provides splendidly depicted sections on garments worn under armor and on historical footwear and clothing. Though not large, and not heavy on text, this book is gorgeous. It is an absolute must for anyone interested in eventually adding a meticulously reconstructed and historically accurate ensemble to their experience of historical European martial arts…the other side of the coin.

"The Medieval Soldier"
A. V. B. Norman. Barnes & Noble (reprint 1993). This is an older book by a long time historian of the subject which now reflects less knowledgeable material, but is good reading none the less.

"The Medieval Soldier in the Wars of the Roses"
Andrew W. Boardman. Sutton Publishing, 1998. UK. p.212. $36. ISBN# D-7509-1465-3. A splendid and commendable new work, presents many particulars of medieval combat exclusive to the Wars of the Roses. Engrossing, easy to follow, and offers a range of insights, thoughts, questions, and speculation. Various sections cover the changing value of cavalry, the long- bow and its use, artillery and firearms, and hand-to-hand combat of the time and most interestingly information from the recent findings in 1996 of mass graves near the battle site in north Yorkshire. Will make a good addition to the library of historical combat enthusiasts.

"Medieval Warfare"
Geoffrey Hindley. NY. or London, 1971. A very good basic book well illustrated. Metropolitan Museum of Art: Loan Exhibition of European Arms and Armor

NY, 1931. A Miscellany Of Arms And Armor - Presented By Fellow Members Of The Armor And Arms Club To Bashford Dean In Homer Of His Sixtieth Birthday, October Twenty-Eight, 1927; Published in a limited edition of 150 copies for members of the Armor & Arms Club of New York. 110 pp.

"Military Manuals of the 15th century"
D. Bornstein, "Medieval Studies 38, 1975.

"Medieval Military Technology"
Kelly Devries, Broadview Press, 1992. An excellent and very concise work, this rare textbook covers interesting angles of the subject in a clear manner.

"The Medieval Tournament" – R. Coltman Clephan, Dover, Reprint 1995. One of the most complete treatments ever, very comprehensive.

"Medieval Warfare"
H. W. Koch, Bromptom Books, 1978. This large size work is well illustrated and one of the best general overview references from the 70's.

"Medieval Warfare"
Timothy Newark. Bloomsbury Books, 1979. Newark's book is a good introduction to the subject and a good secondary reference.

"Medieval Warfare – A History"
Edited by Maurice Keen. Oxford University Press, 1999. ISBN # 0-19-82- 0639-9. Twelve expert scholars contributed their know-how to produce this new illustrated book that explores 700 years of European warfare. A great addition to the subject and one that adds new ideas and thoughts from different modern historians. The short, concise, independent chapters make this a useful and easy read for both new students or learned ones alike.

"The Medieval Military Revolution"
A. Ayton and J. L. Price, Barnes & Noble reprint 1998. Essays on changes in medieval warfare up to the introduction of gunpowder. NOT YET REVEIWED

"The Military Collections. A Guide to the Arms Armour and Militaria in the Castle Museum, York"
1967. pp20. Booklet.

"The Modern Swordsman: Realistic Training for Serious Self-Defense"
Fred Hutchinson. (Paladin Press, Sept ’98). 80 pp. ISBN 0-87364-995-8. An interesting though unusual attempt to provide information on pragmatic practice methods for using real swords today.

"My very own book of arms & armor"
Helena Spiteri. Macmillan Canada, 1995, cute children’s book, leaves of reusable color stickers.

"New Acquisitions for the Higgins Armory Museum"
Karcheski, Walter J., Jr. "Man at Arms" 19-2 (March-April 1997), p. 14 - 15. The new items are an excavated hand and a half cut and thrust broadsword, an Eighteenth Century German executioner's sword and French Sixteenth Century partisan from the guard of Henri III.

"The New Galleries of European Arms and Armor"
Stephen V. Grancsay. NY Metropolitan Museum of Art 1956. Museum Bulletin vol 14, #9; photos of elaborate helmets, armor, swords, and a couple of pistols.

"Nobles, Knights, and Men-At-Arms in the Middle Ages."
Maurice Hugh Keen. 1996, Hambledon Pr; ISBN 1852850876. 14 essays originally published between 1962 and 1993 covering ideas of chivalry and warfare and the relationship between them, including brotherhood-in-arms, courtly love, crusades, heraldry, knighthood, tournaments, and plunder. NOT REVIEWED

"The Norman Knight 950-1204"
Gruett, Christopher and Christopher Hook. Osprey Military Series, 1993. One of the best of the popular and well researched Osprey books. Short and very sweet with great art.

"Notes on Arms and Armor"
Joseph R. Mayer, Rochester, 1935. 27p., 6 pls. of figs., 2 illus. laid on. Rochester Museum Guide Bulletin #1.

"Observations on some Blades found in Scottish Basket hilted Swords"
Park Lane Arms Fair Catalogue 13 (1996), p. 30 - 38. - Earlshall, the Baron of. Includes a short section on basket hilts with medieval blades.

"Old Swordplay"
Alfred Hutton. A late 1800's book on historical fence. Outdated but interesting for its viewpoints. Osprey Military - Men-At-Arms Series: Reed Consumer Books, Ltd. Arthur & Anglo-Saxon Wars The Age of Charlemagne French Medieval Armies 1000-1300 Armies of the Crusades Knights of Christ Medieval European Armies Scots & Welsh Wars The Swiss 1300-1500 German Armies 1300- 1500 Italian Armies 1300-1500 Venetian Empire 1200- 1670 Armies of Crecy’ & Poitiers Medieval Burgundy 1364-1477 Armies of Agincourt Wars of the Roses The Irish Wars 1485-1603 Henry the VIII’s Army The Landesknecths The Conquistadors English Civil War Armies Louis XIV’s Army The Border Reivers

"An Outline of Arms and Armour in England – from the early Middle Ages to the Civil War"
Sir James Mann. Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, London, 1960. Useful booklet by the Master of the Armouries.

"Pageantry of sport from the age of chivalry to the age of Victoria"
John & Arthur Daley Arlott. NY Hawthorn. 1968. Some information on sword arts.

"Phaidon Guide to Antique Weapons and Armor"
Wilkinson-Latham R., '81, Oxford, Phaidon Press. A short, basic but useful overview of weapons and armor, with good illustrations.

"The Price Guide to Antique Edged Weapons"
Leslie Southwick, Baron Publishing, 1983, ISBN 0902028944, Antique Collector’s Club, S. Church St., Woodbridge, Suffolk, England.

"Princely Arms And Armour"
Johannes Schobel. With preface by Claude Blair. Barrie & Jenkins, 1975.

"A Record of European Armour and Arms Through Seven Centuries"
Sir Guy Francis Laking. (London: G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1920 - 1922). Five large volumes, for many long years the standard English language reference, especially for armor. Very outdated. The Royal Armouries A nicely produced full color official guide book to the museum covering the various floors of war, oriental, tournaments, self-defence, hunting, etc. 1996. Royal Armouries Yearbook Vol 1, 1996. Vol. 2, 1997, Vol. 3, 1998. As series of articles on old and new pieces in the museum. Interesting reading on both martial and artistic aspects of the RA’s research.

"Russian Arms and Armour"
Yuri Miller. Aurora Art Publishers, Leningrad 1982. Outstanding collection of reproductions from the Armoury in the Moscow Kremlin.

"Saxon, Viking, and Norman"
Osprey Military Series, 1979. Terence Wise and G. A. Embleton. Another of Osprey's better works (along with Osprey's many other titles such as Viking Hsar, The Hastings Campaign, Saxon Thane, Medieval Armies, Samurai Armies, and many, many others).

"Scottish Arms Makers. A Biographical Dictionary of Makers of Firearms, Edged Weapons and Armour Working in Scotland from the 15th Century to 1870"
Charles E. Whitelaw. Edited By Sarah Barter. London.: Arms & Armour Press. 1977. - NOT REVIEWED

"Scottish Dirks and Daggers - An Illustrated reference Guide to Scottish Edged Weapons"
John Wallace, Stackpole Books 1970, ISBN 811715094. NOT REVIEWED

"Scottish 'twa handit Swerdis'" Park Lane Arms Fair Catalogue 13 (1996), p. 12 - 25. - Willis, Tony. The majority of the swords discussed are post-medieval two handed swords of the Sixteenth Century.

"Scottish Weapons & Fortifications 1100 - 1800"
David H. Caldwell, John Donald Publishers, Ltd., Edinburg, 1981. NOT REVIEWED

"Scandinavian Archaeology"
Shetelig, Haakon and Falk, Hjalmar. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1937). This reference covers the period from the earliest Stone Age remains through the close of the Viking Age and includes a chapter on weapons (p. 377 - 405).

"Seven Swords of the Renaissance from an Analytical Point of View"
Gladius 14 (1978), p. 97 - 127. - Williams, Alan R. Report on the analysis of structure and heat treatment of seven European sword blades dating from the 16th through 18th Centuries. Siege: Castles at War

Daniel Diehl, Mark Donnell. January 1999. Publisher: Taylor Publishing Company. ISBN: 0878332138. A companion to the Discovery Channel's documentary it examines in how castles shaped medieval warfare and society. A lively book with over 150 color photos of reenactors participating in various aspects of a late Medieval siege. It expands the programs material significantly and adds glimpses into seldom depicted sides of Medieval siege warfare, an activity central to warfare of the period. The commendable use of living-history groups to illustrate the text creates a greater sense of reality for the subject. A light but useful and entertaining work.

"Small Armsmakers - A Directory of Fabricators of Firearms, Edged Weapons, Crossbows & Polearms"
Colonel Robert E. Gardner. New York: Bonanza Books, 1963. - NOT REVIEWED

"The Story of Cutlery"
J.B. Himsworth. London: Ernest Benn Ltd., 1953.

"The Story of the Sword"
Alexander Barrett, Munsey's Monthly / January 1901. "The rise and fall of the most historic of all weapons, which, after 3000 years of honor and glory, has lost its usefulness--some of the worlds queer knives, including the American contribution, the Bowie Knife. A Legionary of Caesar's time, a duel between cavaliers of the 17th century, a western frontier combat, a Hindu ax, Italian stilettos, a Scotch sword, an early rapier, the Toledo blade of Spain."

"Studies in European Arms and Armor : The C. Otto Von Kienbusch Collection in the Philadelphia Museum of Art"
Claude Blair (Editor), Philadelphia Museum of Art, June 1992. ISBN: 087633088X. Profiles the museum’s famous collection. Focuses on art and craftsmanship over military utility.

"Swiss Arms of the La Tene Period at Princeton, N.J." - de Navarro, J.M. In "Ancient Europe and the Mediterranean", V. Markotic, ed. Aris and Phillips Ltd.: Warminster, England, 1977.

"Sword & Daggers"
Frederick Wilkinson. Hawthorne Books, 1967. A good standard work by a noted authority on blades and swords.

"The Sword and the Scimitar"
F. Bradford. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1974. ISBN 399-11375-4. NOT REVIEWED.

"The Sword in Anglo Saxon England"
H. R. Ellis Davidson. A good, scholarly overview of a neglected area. It provides substantial historical background.

"Sword in Colour"
Frederick Wilkinson & Robert Latham, 1978. A small book with several excellent photographs. Limited text.

"Talhoffers Fechtbuch" - VS Books, 1998 GBR. ISBN 3-932077-03-2 Carl Schmidt & Torsten Verhulsdonk. Germany. A new modern German translation including more than 260 of Talhoffer’s famous plates from his edition of 1467. Excellent resource! A long-awaited modern English edition is also finally available! "Medieval Combat: A 15th Century Manual of Swordfighting and Close-Quarter Combat", Translated by Mark Rector. Greenhill Books/Lionel Leventhal; (September 2000) ISBN: 1853674184.

"Treasures of the Tower of London - Arms and Armour"
V. B. Norman & G. M. Wilson, 1982. NOT REVIEWED

"A Treatise On Ancient Armour And Weapons (Armaduras, armas, cascos y enseres en detalladas láminas)"
F. Grose. Castellano, London, 1785. S. Hooper, rústica. 280pp. Edición Facsimil de 1998 de Librerías París Valencia. NOT REVIEWED.

"A Two Handed Gaelic Irish Sword of the Sixteenth Century" Park Lane Arms Fair Catalogue 15 (1998), p. 18 - 27. - Willis, Tony. A 16th Century two handed sword with an open ring pommel in the collection of the Royal Armouries, Leeds is illustrated and described along with contemporary illustrations of the type.

"The Unconquered Knight: A Chronicle of the Deeds of Don Pero Niño"
Gutierre Díaz de Gámez. London, 1928. A partial English translation. It includes descriptions of tournaments. pp. 39-40. King Enrique of Castile honors the feast of the Church with festivals, including jousts, tourney and "sports with canes". The Tournament and Literature: Literary Representations of the Medieval Tournament in Old French Works 1150 to 1226 Mary Arlene Santina. Peter Lang Publishing; ISBN: 0820442801. Oct 1999. Examines how ladies, chevaliers, injuries, death, and other aspects of the knightly tournament were represented in French literature of the period, and identifies the role tournaments played in the literature. Looks at the narratives of the sport in its infancy, and contrasts it with the more colorful and better- known tournament of the 15th century.

"Tournaments: Jousts, Chivalry and Pageants in the Middle Ages"
Barber, Richard W. and Juliet Barker. N.Y., 1989. Thorough, well-written, and extraordinarily well illustrated. The Tournament in England, 1100-1400

Juliet R.V. Barker. Boydell & Brewer, October 1986. Tourney and Joust

Steven Jeffreys. Wayland Pub Ltd. June 1980. ISBN: 0853401853

"The Viking Age"
DuChaillu, Paul B. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1889). This work contains numerous old steel plate engravings of excellent quality and many interesting recitations from the sagas. A tendency to mix together artifacts from the early (Celtic) Iron Age through to the Norman Period may confuse inexperienced readers. Best avoided by those offended by politically incorrect Nineteenth Century chauvinism.

"The Viking Art of War"
Paddy Griffith. Greenhill. 1997. A unique contribution to our understanding of Viking military practice. Good coverage of weapon manufacture.

"The Vikings - Recreated in Colour Photographs"
Fantastic. Exceptional resource.

"Vikings: Eyewitness Books"
Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1988. Another nice children's book with a few very nice, close up and detailed pictures of weapons and items.

"Viking Weapons and Warfare"
J. Kim Siddorn. Tempus, UK, 2000. Written by one of the most experienced reenactors of the Viking period, with a lifelong interest in the subject, the majority of the book consists of about 140 pages covering history, iron, spears, shields, armor, and swords. This is a fun and lively book useful to anyone interested in Viking reenactment, medieval arms, or early English history.

"Wallace Collection Catalogues"
European Arms and Armour – text with historical notes and illustrations. Sir James Mann. Vol. 1 – Armour, Vol. II – Arms. Wallace Collection Trustees, 1962. Supplement by A. V. Norman, 1986. Cover nearly all the pieces in the museum, separate text with black and white photos for most pieces. Extremely useful catalog but not as impressive as the title and considered out of date by the curator.

"The Wallace Collection - Guide to the Armouries" Wallace Collection Trustees, 1987. A small 52 page booklet updating the catalogs.

"The Wallace Collection - European Arms and Armour"
David Edge. Wallace Collection Trustees, 1992. A small color booklet of select pieces updating the catalog.

"War in the Middle Ages"
Phillippe Contamine, Presses Universitares de France, 1980. A authoritative overview of the subject, but translated from the French it is pretty wordy.

"War in the Middle Ages"
Terence Wise. Hastings House Press, 1976. This older work is one of the less impressive, but the author is well informed.

"Warfare in England 1066-1189"
John Beeler. 1966. - NOT REVIEWED

"Warfare in Feudal Europe 730-1200"
J. Beeler. Cornell University Press, Ithaca NY, 1971. ISBN 0-8014-9120-7. NOT REVIEWED.

"Warfare in Feudal Europe"
David Nicolle. 1981. NOT REVIEWED.

"Warfare in the Middle Ages"
Richard Humble, Mallard Press, 1984. This large size book has a lot to offer in its illustrations and pictures as well as a well rounded text.

"Warriors and Warfare in Ancient and Medieval Times"
Donald Featherstone. Constable and Company, Ltd. 1997. UK. Written for wargamers and history students this is a very useful synopsis of major warrior peoples and tribes. Offers an evaluation of their forces, weapons, battles and fighting styles.

"Warriors and Weapons of Early Times in Color"
Niels M Saxtorph, NY., 1972. 260p., over 400 col. uniforms, many drawings. (weapons etc.), index. London ed. "...3000 BC to AD 1700..." Uniforms, Equipment, Decorations, Insignia, Badges, Patches, Medals, ancient Greece, Rome, Far East. etc. NOT REVIEWED.

"Warriors' Weapons"
Walter Buehr. Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1963. An illustrated history of pre-gunpowder arms from the stone ax and spear to the crossbow, ballista, and catapult. 80 drawings by the author. NOT REVIEWED.

"The Wars of the Roses"
Michael St.-John Parker. Pitkin Guides. 1999. A short colorful booklet guide to the conflict with considerable artwork. ISBN 0853727791.

"Weapons and Armour"
A. J. Barker, Hamlyn, HB, 1974, 77 pages, illustrated by five different people. NOT REVIEWED.

"Weapons of The Ancient World"
Rivka Gonen, Cassel.London.1975. NOT REVIEWED.

"Weapons & Armour"
Balent, Matthew. Detroit, MI: Palladium Books, 1981. NOT REVIEWED.

"Weapons and Armor"
Harold Hart. An average reference from the 1970's. Some good pictures.

"Weapons and Warfare in Anglo-Saxon England"
Ed., Sonia Chadwick Hawkes. Oxbow Books, '89. This superb and scholarly work is a must! It takes the rare and very effective approach of combining historian's research with the insights of Dark Age recreational and living history groups in the U.K. Includes much new research and discoveries and invaluable information on weapons use, training, sword making and wounds. A decent reference work intended for wargamers but useful for others. British import, Barnes & Noble.

"Weapons and Warriors"
Frederick Wilkinson. Morristown, NJ Silver Burdett 1978. - NOT REVIEWED

"Women Warlords"
Tim Newark, Blandford 1989. ISBN 0713719656. NOT REVIEWED

"The World of the Medieval Knight"
Christopher Gravett, Illustrated by Brett Breckon. Peter Bedrck Books, NY 1998/1996. ISBN 62774. A fine highly illustrated children’s book that is also a useful reference work for adults. Extremely colorful and pleasant presentation. Features detailed and highly accurate drawings and schematics of late medieval armor and weapons.

"World of the Vikings"
(York: Past Forward, Ltd., 1992 (laserdisc) 1994 (CD-ROM). A joint project between the National Museum of Denmark and the York Archaeological Trust., laserdisc (PAL on one side and NTSC on the other) and CD-ROM (available) Contains over 3,500 color images of Viking artifacts and sites contributed by museums across the entirety of the Viking world, to include seldom seen material from the eastern most reaches, with brief accompanying information. Over one hundred pictures of swords, including close-ups. The video disc also contains several brief video sequences (including one on pattern-welding) and music.

Note: We wish to credit and thank ARMA™ - The Association for Renaissance Martial Arts – for posting/publishing this outstanding Glossary on the Internet, so that it is now available in the public domain. The ARMA logo and name are federally registered trademarks, copyright © 2001. All rights reserved.